The central importance of a general education is reflected in the learning goals of each of three disciplinary areas. Whereas the courses in a major are designed to develop mastery of a specific field or discipline, courses in general education are designed to establish a strong, intellectual foundation for all specializations.
Learning Goals in General Education
Students earn the minimum credits listed in each of the three general education groups in courses not required by the department of the first major listed on the degree program. Interdisciplinary courses may be used to satisfy requirements in any group for which they have been approved, but a student may not apply the same course to more than one group.
Approved courses
Curiosity to Credit

Unique LAS Courses
LAS has plenty of unique courses to explore. Turn your curiosity into course credit while developing new skills for your career. Many of these courses meet the LAS General Education Requirements.
General education requirements
Learning goals and requirements
Courses in general education are designed to establish a strong intellectual foundation for all majors or specializations.
Area I. Arts and Humanities Minimum 12 credits
Learning Goals
- To develop an understanding of human cultural heritage and history
- To develop an appreciation of reasoning
- To develop an appreciation of the aesthetic value of human creativity
Area II. Mathematical and Natural Science Disciplines Minimum 11 credits: 3 math, 8 natural science
Learning Goals
- To experience science as a rational search for understanding the structure and behavior of the natural world
- To appreciate mathematics as a valuable tool of the sciences
- To appreciate mathematics as an important way of thinking
Area III. Social Sciences Minimum 9 credits
Learning Goals
- To develop an appreciation of the principal methods of studying human behavior
- To develop an understanding of the structure and functioning of institutions
Additional guidelines
- Because coursework in the major helps to achieve learning goals, the minimum number of credits in the general education area of the first major is reduced by three. For example, a history major is required to take only 9 credits in Arts and Humanities.
- Students in Liberal Studies or Interdisciplinary Studies must complete the minimum number of credits in all three areas.
- Courses from the department of the first major may not be applied to general education requirements.
- Courses that are cross-listed with the department of the first major may be used to satisfy either major or general education requirements, but may not be used more than once.
- Interdisciplinary courses may be used to satisfy requirements in any area for which they have been approved. The same course may not be applied to more than one area.
- Honors sections of courses acceptable in the group (e.g. PHYS 2410H) are also acceptable in that group.
- Experimental Courses (listed in the Schedule of Classes with an X following the course number) are eligible for use in the general education groups once approved at the college and university levels. These courses are added to the LAS General Education Approved Course List on a regular basis.
- Seminar Courses may be acceptable. Advisors should consult Associate Dean for Academic Programs in 202 Catt Hall.
- U.S. Cultures and Communities (USCC) and International Perspectives (IP). Courses taken to meet university requirements in USCC and IP may also apply to the general education groups, if appropriate. A list of USCC and IP courses may be viewed at
The following cannot be applied to the general education group requirements:
- Orientation courses, independent study courses (usually numbered 2900 or 4900), cooperative courses, or courses numbered 5000 and above.
- Courses taken on a satisfactory-fail (S-F) or pass-not pass (P-NP) basis.
- Clep GENERAL Exam Credits
Need help determining your catalog?
Your catalog (Academic Requirement Effective Date) is listed in Workday under Academic Progress. For questions, please contact your academic advisor.
*A student may choose to graduate under the catalog in effect at the time of graduation or a catalog for the previous six years, provided it covers a period of the student’s enrollment at an accredited college or university. Full requirements of the chosen catalog must be met except that adjustments will be made in instances where courses are no longer available or where programs have been changed.
Iowa State University Catalog