Help With Classes

math student receiving help in the math help room

You can do this, and we can help

We’ve got support options for you when you take classes offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Your class syllabus on Canvas is always the best place to start. Instructors typically provide helpful links and resources, and always list their scheduled office hours in the syllabus. Office hours are time set aside to give you an opportunity to ask questions, clarify information, and have a conversation directly with the instructor.

Remember that it’s good to ask for help when you need it. Your instructors want to help you succeed.

Drop-in and help room support for specific classes

High-demand challenging classes, like Physics 1310, Math 1650, Chemistry 1600, Computer Science 2270 often have free resources provided by departments. You can find information about drop-in help rooms and other department course-specific resources here:

Find a study buddy

Opt in to Study Buddies, a feature of EAB’s Navigate Student app to connect with other students at Iowa State who are interested in study groups. You and the members of groups that you join can choose the format, and how often you get together.

When meeting, keep safety in mind – meet in public places, in groups of three or more. Check out the ISU Police Department’s for more tips on staying safe.

Iowa State Students can access EAB Navigate Student here or by downloading the mobile app through Apple or Google. Once downloaded, be sure to login with your email and complete the short Intake Survey to get started.

You can also access other resources while using the app, like scheduling an appointment with your advisor or exploring health and wellness options.

What other types of help are available to me?

Student at a whiteboard helps other students in class

Your class Canvas site

This could be your most important bookmark this semester. Check your syllabus on Canvas to find important details about resources and office hours.

Your instructor

Visit your instructor during office hours to ask specific questions, follow up on something you may have missed or don’t understand, and seek out guidance for success in this course and beyond. Most office hours are held in person, but some faculty offer online office hours, too.

Help rooms

Drop in during help room hours to ask questions and work through class-specific material. The graduate and advanced undergraduate students who staff the help rooms may not be working with your specific section of the class, but they know the material and can help you think through a problem or clarify a class topic. Check your class syllabus or the links above for locations, hours and other details.

Other resources

The ISU Academic Success Center offers free academic coaching and supplemental instruction for many classes. They also have fee-based group tutoring services for undergraduate courses, with funding sources available.

Students can access help with any written, oral, visual, or electronic communication project, at any state of the writing process, from the center’s Writing and Communication Consultations program.