Advising support

One of your most important partners on campus is your advisor. In LAS, we have an entire team of advising professionals that empower you for success, from your campus visit to graduation.

You’ll collaborate with your advisor to create a graduation plan, and together you’ll navigate course requirements and academic opportunities that arise. You can get one-on-one support as our advising team helps you plug your interests and strengths into unearthing your potential at Iowa State.

If you hit a bump in the road, we’ve got your back. Advisors collaborate with faculty and staff in the college across campus to direct students to resources in areas like:

  • Academic assistance
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Engaging in student experiences
  • Finding your people
  • Career support and exploration
  • Mental health and wellbeing

Contact your advisor for support in a wide range of areas, from adding a minor to discovering community. Each advisor is a member of a team built around specific majors.


Contact an advisor

Advising Services
102 Carrie Chapman Catt Hall
Phone: 515-294-4831

University forms for students and advisors on the Registrar’s website.