Amy Slagell

Amy Slagell Amy Slagell

  • Associate Dean



201 Catt
2224 Osborn Dr.
Ames IA


Amy Slagell earned her B.S.C. in communication at Ohio University in 1983. She earned her M.A. and Ph.D. in rhetoric and American public address at the University of Wisconsin and, before coming to Iowa as the director of the public speaking program in 1996, spent several years teaching in Birmingham, Ala. From 2006-2013 Amy led the Speech Communication Program in the Department of English. Her research explores contemporary public speaking pedagogy and 19th-century public address with a particular focus on the impact of cultural and institutional structures that constrain the visibility and rhetorical choices of women as public speakers.

She has served as the Associate Dean for Academic Programs in the College since 2013.

Contact for questions about:

  • Curriculum Development
  • Cross-Disciplinary Studies Programs
  • Community College Articulation and Regents Connections
  • External Reviews of LAS Programs – Policies and Planning
  • Regents Committee on Educational Relations
  • Learning Outcomes and Assessment
  • Student Grievances
  • Undergraduate Certificate Programs