Arne Hallam

Arne Hallam

  • Associate Dean




239 Catt
2224 Osborn Dr.
Ames IA


Administration: Budget, Personnel, Promotion and Tenure, IT, Computation Advisory Committee, Space, Online and Distance Education, International Students and Scholars.

Arne Hallam is a Professor of Economics at Iowa State and has served as Associate Dean for Finance and Operations since 2009. He received his B.S. in agricultural economics from Brigham Young University (1977), and M.S. (1980) and PhD (1983) degrees in agricultural and resource economics from the University of California, Berkeley.

He joined the faculty of the economics department at Iowa State University in 1983. He served as Chair of the Department of Economics from 2000-2009. Dr. Hallam has served as major professor for 26 graduate students as a committee member for more than 100 additional students. He has taught 24 different courses since leaving graduate school including courses in economic theory, mathematical economics, agricultural economics, industrial organization, agricultural ethics, and global sustainability. Dr. Hallam’s research relates to the economics of agriculture, resources, the environment, energy, economies of size and scale, risk and uncertainty, and sustainability.

Arne Hallam’s role as associate dean is a full-time college appointment..

Contact for questions about:

  • Budget Approvals
  • Hiring of Faculty and Staff
  • Promotion and Tenure Policies
  • Course Availability – Budget and Personnel
  • Funding for Lectures, Conferences
  • Information Technology
  • LASCASTLE (IT) Proposals
  • International Programs
  • Online and Distance Education
  • Space and Facilities
  • Sustainability and Green Initiatives
  • Travel
  • Miller Lecture Series
  • Testing Center